The City of Espoo offers diverse guided sports services for seniors. The objective of guided exercise for seniors is maintaining and improving the participants' physical condition, improving their functional capacity and offering recreation. The selection includes different fitness classes, gym training, water exercises and ball games. All exercisers considering themselves as seniors are welcome to the groups. The City of Espoo offers all residents aged 68 and above free-of-charge exercise services with its +68 Sports wristband.

Participate in guided exercise groups

Registration is not needed for the ‘Avoin kaikille’ public groups. Please remember to register in advance in the other groups.

Autumn term of guided sports and exercise activities 28 August–8 December 2023

No guidance during autumn break 16–20 October 2023 or on public holidays.

Spring term of guided sports and exercise activities 8 January– 3 May 2024

No guidance on 19–23 February 2024 or on public holidays The groups and courses of the spring term will be published later. We will also share more information about the registration times at a later date.

Welcome to senior sports and exercise!

Get to know the groups and enrol in

Find out more about the guided exercise groups and courses.

You can enrol in the guided sports and exercise groups and courses either online or by phone.

We offer videos, live group exercise classes and instructions that allow you to exercise free of charge.

Ikiliikkujaviikko 2024

Liikunnallinen teemaviikko tarjoaa monipuolisia liikkumismahdollisuuksia senioreille sekä tietoa ja vinkkejä voima- ja tasapainoharjoitteluun ikääntyessä.

Do you need personal exercise counselling?

How should I start exercising? What sport would suit me? Our exercise instructors will give free-of-charge counselling for exercise to residents of all ages, especially those just starting out.

Make use of your +68 Sports wristband and bring your friend with you to exercise

The +68 Sports wristband gives you free access to the City’s swimming halls, gyms, sports and exercise groups for seniors and special groups, and the boats transporting passengers to the archipelago. The wristband holder’s companion can also come with them to the swimming hall, gym or archipelago, also free of charge!

Senioripaku, Elderly People’s Van, transports fun activities all across Espoo

The Senioripaku Van is on the road from spring to autumn. The programme at the stops includes guided exercises, dance, music, visual arts and circus performances.

Events for seniors

25.4.2024 10.00–12.00 EET/EESTIso Omena Service Centre
  • Well-being
  • Physical training
  • Matinkylä
26.4.2024 10.00–11.00 EET/EESTSello Library
  • Well-being
  • Libraries
  • Physical training
  • Leppävaara
30.4.2024 10.00–11.05 EET/EESTIso Omena Library
  • Libraries
  • Physical training
  • Matinkylä