Environmental Protection’s publications

Environmental Protection produces various publications, accounts and reports on the state of the environment and nature conservation in Espoo. In addition to the publication series, we also publish brochures for example on nature trails. Translated publications are listed below. Other publications you can inquire at ymparisto@espoo.fi.

Acronyms of the publication series:

YSU: Environmental Protection´s publication series, Ympäristönsuojelun julkaisuja (2022-)

YKE: Hand-outs of the Environmental Department, Ympäristökeskuksen monistesarja (1998–2020)

YLA: Publications of the Environment Committee, Ympäristölautakunnan julkaisusarja (1984–2021)

Water protection


the Baltic Sea

Air pollution abatement

(no publications in English)

Environmental education and Nature House Villa Elfvik

Brochure on the Nature House Villa Elfvik

Nature trails around Villa Elfvik

Climate change mitigation and adaptation

Older publications (published before 2000)

(no publications in English)