Feedback service

Give feedback on and ask questions about the city’s services, operations and decisions. We will handle and answer your feedback mainly in working hours. Espoo has a feedback channel for young people through which young Espoo residents can give feedback or submit initiatives.

In the feedback service(external link, opens in a new window) you can also place your feedback on the map.

See report for feedback received by Espoo

The City of Espoo receives around 20,000 feedback items each year through its feedback service. In the feedback report(external link, opens in a new window) you can see how much feedback has been given on a particular subject, for example, in the past week, or check how much feedback came from your neighbourhood last month. However, area information is only available for some feedback – mainly those about the environment and street maintenance.

Feedback from young people

Espoo has a feedback channel for young people(external link, opens in a new window) through which young Espoo residents can give feedback or submit initiatives alone or as a group.

Compared to an initiative, feedback is a quicker and lighter way to let the city know your ideas and practical suggestions. You will receive a reply by email or, if you allow its publication, the reply will be published on the website of the City of Espoo’s feedback service(external link, opens in a new window).

An initiative is a more robust way of bringing about change. The employees of Youth Services will read the initiatives young people send and ask the relevant experts in the City of Espoo to respond. The initiatives from young people and the responses are published on the website of the feedback channel for young people(external link, opens in a new window).

Do not hesitate to give feedback!