Perkkaan asukaspuiston kerho

The club's term runs from August until the end of May. A new application must always be submitted for the new term. The application period for the following term of the clubs is in March. The decision on granting a place in a club is made for one term. However, after the application period, you can also apply to clubs for places that may be released during the term.

Contact information

Perkkaan asukaspuiston kerhoMajurinpolku 3,02600 Espoo+358 43 825

Postal address:P.O. Box 60307, 02070 Espoo city

Opening hours

Valid for the time being:

  • Mon-Wed 8.30-11.30

Contact persons

Kerhon esihenkilö varhaiskasvatusyksikön johtaja Sanna Siltanen +358 50 325 8607


Applying for clubs

Related services

Check service location details on the Servicemap(external link, opens in a new window)