Mankkaanpuron koulu

Mankkaanpuron koulu provides a pleasant, modern and safe learning environment. Since January 2009 we have had a new additional building and the old main building was completely renovated.

The safe learning environment of our school enables joy of learning. Diverse and pupil-centered methods support eagerness to learn and building a positive self-image. A pupil plays an active role as a learner and as a member of the school community.

There are 20 basic education classes, over 440 pupils, 27 teachers and 6 teaching assistants in Mankkaanpuro School. In addition we have preschool classes and preparatory instruction classes. We offer two foreign languages to our pupils: English and German.

ICT is used systematically in teaching and learning in our school. We also have a school library which gives good opportunities for teaching literature and research skills. For several years our school has taken part in Netlibris, a literature circle on the Internet. Our school sponsors a child in Nepal through Plan.

We work closely together with the parents' association of our school. Cooperation between parents and teachers is important for us and we actively use various ways of communication, e.g. Wilma.

Contact information

Mankkaanpuron kouluVanhan-Mankkaan tie 17,02180 Espoo+358 9 8163 9029

Postal address:P.O. Box 3205, 02070 ESPOO CITY

Contact persons

Rehtori Johanna Hirmasto +358 9 8163 9028

Apulaisrehtori Hanna Suokko +358 43 826 9157

Apulaisrehtori Kimmo Kinnunen +358 50 381 3642

Koulusihteeri Satu Kiikka +358 40 636 9337


Mankkaanpuron koulu's website

Anna palautetta(external link, opens in a new window)

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