Espoon yhteislyseo

Espoon yhteislyseo Upper Secondary School offers students a safe environment to acquire a good general education. In addition to sports and a healthy lifestyle, instruction emphasises entrepreneurship, global citizenship, sustainable development and social skills for the future. Students learn to understand cultural differences and they learn valuable lessons on how to live in a globalised world. We prepare our students for further studies and challenges in work life and encourage them to become active members of society.

Our school values internationality. By taking some of the several school-specific courses that we offer, you can improve your language skills and gain versatile experience in different languages and cultures, as well as entrepreneurship. During the year, we are often visited by international guests and exchange students and we take part in international projects and organise educational school excursions and trips abroad.

Espoon yhteislyseo Upper Secondary School will provide you with the tools for intercultural communication - the language skills, the general education and the ability to analyse encounters between different cultures and world events. As a school, EYL is a multicultural haven with an open-minded atmosphere and a great team spirit that welcomes students from different cultural backgrounds. We encourage individuality and creativity in school work and try to arouse the students' interest by innovative teaching methods and a positive atmosphere.

Contact information

Espoon yhteislyseoKutojantie 2 D,02630 Espoo+358 43 827 3178

Postal address:P.O. Box 3535, 02070 ESPOO CITY


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