Ymmerstan koulu

Ymmerstan koulu is a primary school with approximately 400 students between the ages of 7 and 12, grades 1-6. As a local neighbourhood school our pupils come from Ymmersta, Tuomarila and Kuurinniitty. We have about 24 teachers and 4 school assistants. We have a strong emphasis on teaching literature and library skills. Ymmersta school has its own curriculum in literature education. The methods are based on cooperative learning. We also function as a Learning Centre for Literature and Library studies.

Contact information

Ymmerstan kouluRistihaantie 5,02750 Espoo+358 43 827 3359etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fi

Postal address:P.O. Box 75303, 02070 ESPOO CITY

Contact persons

Rehtori Saija Holopainen +358 9 8163 9098 etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fi

Koulusihteeri Monica Eriksson +358 43 827 3359 etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fi


Ymmerstan koulu's website

Anna palautetta(external link, opens in a new window)

Related services

Check service location details on the Servicemap(external link, opens in a new window)