Emplyment Espoo at Ohjaamotalo

  • Youth Work
6.9.2021 12.12Updated: 10.3.2022 13.33

Employment Espoo's experts can be found without an appointment at The Ohjaamotalo Starttipiste on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

You should come and see us in these situations, for example:

  • You want to work, but you don't know where or how. We will advise step by step on how to proceed.
  • You need support or more expertise before entering the world of work. We know many ways to get into working life – let's find one that suits you.
  • You are wondering what kind of work your skills are suitable for and how to tell employers about it. Everyone has the abilities and know-how – we help you identify yours.
  • You're wondering where to find a suitable job. We know the labour market and the needs of the employees – perhaps we can tip off the right job opportunity for you.
  • You've got a labor policy statement, and you don't understand what that means. We will clarify the tricky terms and content.

Have you already applied for a job or want to start applying for an active job? With Taitava työnhakija -guidance, you can get personal, quick and concrete help with your situation. For example, we can deal with topics such as cv upgrade, submitting job applications, finding jobs together, preparing for job interviews. Book the right control time for you through the Starttipiste.

Check out more about Employment Espoo.(external link, opens in a new window)