Employment Espoo Information Point

The Emplyment Espoo office is located in Matinkylä, Espoo, at Suomenlahdentie 1. The office is located at the Service Centre on the third floor of the shopping centre. The same space also houses a library, a health centre, Kela and service points of Koto-Espoo and Hello Espoo.

How to get there The nearest metro station is the Matinkylä station. The nearest bus stop is Matinkylä (M). The office is located at the Service Centre on the third floor of the shopping centre, directly above the metro station and bus terminal.

Parking The shopping centre has parking spaces. Parking may be subject to a fee. The nearest parking garage is P1A, which you can access by the ramp at Suomenlahdentie 1. From the parking garage you can take the lift up to the Service Centre.

Services Our office has a service point that you can visit without booking an appointment. You can ask for advice at the service point. You cannot take care of official matters related to job-seeking at the office. The office has customer computers, a printer, and WiFi. You are welcome to use the computers. You can search for jobs online, submit job applications and use the 'Oma asiointi' service. You do not need an advance booking to use the computers. If you need help with using a computer or online services, our staff will guide you.

Contact information

Employment Espoo Information PointSuomenlahdentie 1,02230 Espooneuvontapalvelut@espoo.fi

Opening hours

Valid for the time being:

  • Mon-Thu



25.12.23.-5.1.24 closed.

Check service location details on the Servicemap(external link, opens in a new window)