Ohjaamotalo, The Starttipiste

You can visit Ohjaamotalo's Starttipiste service point without an appointment to take care of things relevant in your life right now. The counselling service is completely voluntary and free of charge. The Starttipiste is intended for all Espoo residents between 15 and 29 years of age. Come to the Starttipiste to get answers relevant to your situation or any problem you might have.

At the service point, you will be helped out or referred to the appropriate service if you so wish. There are professionals in various fields to help you at the Starttipiste every day.

Ohjaamotalo services are there for you if you have questions related to living on your own or any other stage of life, especially if you are about to enter the labour market or start studying. The service also provides support in financial issues, well-being and housing, for example. Starttipiste is located in an accessible facility. You can also visit us anonymously if you so prefer.

You can access the service also online at bit.ly/ohjaamotalod.

You can also call us during the Starttipiste opening hours, tel. +358 40 126 7513, or send a WhatsApp message.

Contact information

Ohjaamotalo, The StarttipisteLintuvaarantie 2, Street level,02650 Espoo+358 40 126 7513ohjaamotalo@espoo.fi

Opening hours

Open Monday to Friday from 12 pm to 4 pm.

Additional information

The Online Startpoint(external link, opens in a new window)

Jodel: @ohjaamotalo

Instagram(external link, opens in a new window)

Facebook(external link, opens in a new window)

Youtube(external link, opens in a new window)

Related services

Check service location details on the Servicemap(external link, opens in a new window)