Koulumestarin koulu

​Koulumestarin koulu is a primary school of 265 students. The name "Koulumestari" means a schoolmaster in Finnish.

The school was established in 2007. Our pedagogy, teaching and other structures of the school are actively developed in order to answer the needs of today's and future society.

Braveness, creativity and innovation are considered as the main principles of Koulumestari School. Our aim is to make our school an encouraging community, ready to wonder and explore the entire surrounding society through the creation of new and innovative solutions. Following of the principles of creative problem solving and technology education has helped us to make this sort of pedagogy one of our core strengths as a school.

We also wish to be a safe school that aims to provide the students with good basic knowledge and skills, realistic self-image and strong social skills. At Koulumestarin koulu regular teaching and teaching of the students with special needs are carried out with a strong emphasis in co-teaching and integration. The special education classes and regular classes co-operate closely.

Contact information

Koulumestarin kouluMuuralanpiha 3,02770 Espoo+358 50 331 1472etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fi

Postal address:P.O. Box 77306, 02070 ESPOO CITY

Contact persons

Rehtori Pirjo Tornberg +358 50 331 1472 etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fi

Apulaisrehtori Iita Puustinen +358 40 665 0513 etunimi.sukunimi@opetus.espoo.fi

School secretary Sari Rantala +358 43 826 5254 etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fi


Koulumestarin koulu's website

Anna palautetta(external link, opens in a new window)

Related services

Check service location details on the Servicemap(external link, opens in a new window)