Future Mentors Programme - Co-creating future cities through dialogue

We cannot dream about the future of the cities without involving the future generations. Young people are the primary force of society and play a major part in innovations. The Future Mentors Programme aims to promote young people’s influence and participation by giving them a platform to have a dialogue with the decision makers on local level.

What is the Future Mentors Programme

The main idea of ​​the Future Mentors Programme is to bridge the gap between policymakers and the youth and to create dialogue between them. The Future Mentors Programme is a reversed mentoring programme, where the young Future Mentors share their fears, hopes and dreams related to their home city with the mentee, a local decision maker. The role of the mentee is to learn from the thoughts of the next generation.    

According to UN prediction, the global youth is expected to total 1.29 billion in 2030, and almost 1.34 billion by 2050. This makes the youth a major actor of the socioeconomic development globally. The role of the youth to the city level is equally important – they are the tax payers, decision makers and urban visionaries of tomorrow. A future-proof city is a city where the youth feel empowered, included and invested in the future of the city.  

Any city that wants to take a fresh perspective on the solutions and policy making that concerns complexities and challenges that the youth faces can use the reverse mentoring methodology of the Future Mentors Programme. This collaboration not only voices the opinion of the youth in cities, but also helps in perceiving the future possibilities in developing cities.