Dog owners must pick up after their pets – faeces can spread diseases

18.3.2022 11.44Updated: 18.3.2022 13.02

Every spring, dog droppings emerging from under the snow are a common topic of discussion. As the snow melts, the droppings hidden under the snow will also melt and spread into the environment, for example, via meltwater and people’s shoes.

According to the Public Order Act, the owner of a dog or the person in whose possession the dog is must ensure that the dog’s faeces are not left on the ground in a maintained section of a built-up area. Dog owners are responsible for picking up after their dogs, and dog poop bags are an essential item for all dog owners.

Clean pedestrian paths are in everyone’s interest. It is an unpleasant surprise to notice at home that you or your dog have stepped in poop. This is not only a matter of cleanliness, because certain diseases, parasites, bacteria and viruses can spread through faeces. Most of these spread from one dog to another but some, such as Ascaris lumbricoides and certain Giardia species, may also infect humans.

We will not install more waste containers for dog droppings in the city, but you can put poop bags in a normal waste container.

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