Espoo Voluntary Local Review (VLR)

The Voluntary Local Review assesses the city’s operations, cross-administrative programmes and projects in relation to the 17 sustainable development goals of the UN’s Agenda 2030 programme.

In Espoo, entities are assessed in relation to the UN Program of Action for Sustainable Development. Individual SDG targets are addressed through city statistics and key figures.

The report consists of three main themes:

  1. Leave no one behind, which focuses on empowering residents and co-creating an inclusive city for all. This section deals mainly with social and cultural sustainability. 
  2. Let´s do it together addresses Espoo's goal to achieve SDGs through both handprint thinking and co-development. Espoo is perceived to be stronger when it pursues sustainable development goals together. Focuses largely on financial sustainability.
  3. Accelerated action tells what Espoo is doing to develop ecological sustainability in built infrastructure and living environment.

In collaboration with hundreds of people

The multifunctional and polyphonic approach brought different views, talents and experiences to the content. It is based on the city's strategy, ie the Espoo story.

The report includes an overview of how the City of Espoo can improve sustainable development in the living environment of its residents and business life in the future.

Ville Taajamaa

Project Manager+358 40 5083806