Equality Committee

The Equality Committee monitors and assesses the achievement of equality and non-discrimination for the city’s personnel and in the services provided by the city in accordance with the Espoo story and in compliance with legislation. The Committee may be asked for an opinion on a matter in preparation, particularly from the point of view of equality and non-discrimination.

The tasks of the Equality Committee are to make initiatives and proposals to the City Board and the committees for the promotion of equality and non-discrimination and to monitor the implementation of these values in the concrete activities of municipal services and in the city’s personnel policy in accordance with the requirements of the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life and the Plan for Equality and Non-discrimination approved by the City Board on 16 January 2017. The City Board decides on the guidelines of the Equality Committee and on the commencement of activities in accordance with the guidelines.

The chairpersons of the Equality Committee act as mediators in the handling of cases of harassment of elected officials if the matters have not been resolved in other bodies. The method of operation is described in the ARVOKAS guide.

We also monitor the implementation of equality through the integration programme, the disability policy programme and the ageing policy programme. The committee is involved in the municipal equality network led by the Association of Finnish Municipalities.

The Equality Committee has been operating in Espoo since 1981. In 2017, in accordance with the decision of the City Board, the Finnish name of the Equality Committee was changed to highlight the principles of equality and non-discrimination, and the committee follows the action plan in its operations.

The Equality Act and the Non-discrimination Act oblige all employees of the city to promote equality and non-discrimination in all their activities.

The Equality Act, or the Act on Equality between Women and Men (609/1986), prohibits direct and indirect discrimination on the basis of sex and imposes an obligation to promote gender equality. The Act also includes the protection against discrimination of gender minorities and the obligation to prevent discrimination.

In the Non-discrimination Act (1325/2014), equality refers to the equal value of all people regardless of sex, age, ethnic or national origin, citizenship, language, religion or personal beliefs, opinion, disability, medical condition, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics.

In a fair society, personal characteristics, such as origin or skin colour, should not affect people’s access to education, employment and various services – basic rights belong to everyone.

In the Constitution of Finland, the principle of equality refers to both the prohibition of discrimination and the equality of people before the law. The Non-discrimination Act, the Criminal Code of Finland, the Equality Act and the labour legislation specify the prohibition of discrimination in different areas of life.

The City of Espoo’s equality and non-discrimination plans for services and personnel are not yet in an accessible form. You can request them by sending e-mail to kaarina.salonen(at)espoo.fi.

The meeting follows the Principles of Safe Space

  • Learning occurs at different paces, I give it time. 
  • I operate on the principle of good will. 
  • I respect, encourage and give space. 
  • I build trust through my own actions. 
  • I respect everyone’s physical integrity. 
  • I give feedback and intervene.